Vážení členovia SLA 3D,
v lete končí 5-ročné volebné obdobie aktuálneho predsedníctva HDH-IAA, kde máme aktuálne dvoch zástupcov (Peter Málek pre 3D, Dušan Horváth pre pravidlá).
7.augusta 2023 sa uskutočnia v Rumunsku pred ME voľby predsedníctva na ďalšie volebné obdobie. Plánuje sa pre zvýšenie efektívnosti práce podstatne zúžiť počet členov predsedníctva z 30 na 7.
Vzhľadom k tomu, že ani jeden z terajších zástupcov SLA 3D, či z členov aktuálneho predsedníctva, či z oslovených členov v kluboch v SLA-čke nemá zatiaľ záujem dobrovoľnícky pracovať, hľadáme človeka, ktorý by bol ochotný venovať svoj čas, vedomosti a nadšenie na rozvoj medzinárodnej organizácie HDH-IAA.
Z hľadiska SLA 3D by bolo zaujímavé kandidovať a zastávať niektorý z postov: 1.Viceprezident HDH IAA, 1.Viceprezidenta pre 3D, resp. Viceprezidenta pre marketing.
V nižšej časti je dopis od prezidenta HDH IAA p. Vánkyho, kde žiada, aby sme oslovili svojich členov, či nebude mať niekto záujem o kandidatúru.
Budeme veľmi pekne radi, ak sa nájde niekto, kto by zastupoval našu organizáciu v HDH IAA. V takom prípade ma prosím kontaktujte, aby sme sa dohodli na ďalšom postupe.
Peter Málek - predseda SLA 3D
Dear All,
Thank you for the feedback and for accepting proposals regarding HDH-IAA structure E-GM 9-th of June. Having the structure on place we need candidates who are willing to develop and work for and on our association.
Please distribute among your members who speak English and is or want to be active as volunteers, that there will be elections and everybody has a chance to change things in the HDH-IAA if effectively working in different positions or committees.
The reorganization of HDH-IAA in a more functional body with dedicated people all working for the Association on their area and taking responsibility for it, is what everybody wants, but it is only possible with many people doing their own share. The General Meeting held in Romania will be elective and we need to have candidates to vote on.
To be able to distribute candidatures we need to have a short presentation of each candidate before July31-st.
A good candidate:
-Speaks English language -Has an idea what he/she wants to do in the position -Has at least general knowledge of archery -Has some experience in the field of interest/position -Needs a recommendation from member association/current member of BOD
The ideal candidate set up would be:
- 1 Head of controlling
- 2 Members of controlling
1 President, Admin Good governance (BOD Member)
1 First vice president, Admin Good governance (BOD Member)
1 Vice president, head of marketing, (BOD Member)
1 Webpage responsible including competition admin
- 1 Social media responsible
- 1 Newsletter and history, documentation
1 Vice president, head of 3D, (BOD Member) 1 Head of 3D rules committee
- 2 Members 3D rules comm
- 1 Head of 3D Judges comm
- 2 Members 3D Judges comm
- 1 Content responsible for promoting 3D archery
* 1 Vice president, head of Historical archery, (BOD Member)
- 1 Head of Historical rules committee
- 2 Members Historical rules comm
- 1 Head of Historical Judges comm
- 2 Members Historical Judges comm
- 1 Content responsible for promoting Historical archery
- 1 Vice president, head of Hunting archery, (BOD Member)
- 1 Head of Hunting rules committee
- 2 Members Hunting rules comm
- 1 Head of Hunting Judges comm
- 2 Members Hunting Judges comm
- 1 Content responsible for promoting Hunting archery
bold style indicates BOD Members, totally 6 to be voted on +1 BOD member is Secretary General appointed by the President.
In the future (if elected again) I intend to have a lot of meetings on-line with different groups to clear out a lot of issues and to line up all the elected persons in same direction.
Please be aware of that basic/medium English is a requirement for all positions to be able to have a meaningful conversation and avoiding basic misunderstandings. You are welcome with your comments and ideas.
The GM and elections are held in Alba Julia, Romania 7-th of August, Monday 18.00 CET, 19.00 local time (on place) Is calculated to take 2 hours. (Will be possible to join on place or on Google Meet)
Kind Regards, Sebastian Vánky